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Random Online Casino Strategies from Our Beloved Players

Are you looking for ways to improve your online casino strategies on winning? We’ve asked our readers from all over the world and mind you, these are readers who love a great casino game. These readers from all parts of the globe have generously shared with us their online casino strategies. We filtered out the best online casino strategies and we are presenting them to you. Call it casino tips or strategies, we call these sheet guide our casino survival tips.

When it comes to making casino tips for bets that range from US $1 to US$2—

An example we can give you is an imaginary roulette game. You are playing roulette and you try to make even money bets on red. Let us say that you have a 40-dollar bankroll. What you should expect is you will get far just by betting US$1 on each game and collecting the win after, but that would take too long. Smart people who gamble say that when this is the situation, betting bigger is better. You bet from the winnings of your one time, big time win and keep the money you bring to the table. Of course, you can only do this when you find yourself in a winning streak. So what you ought to do is bet back the winnings that you gain, and then get one dollar that would come from the original stake you put. Do this in each of the consecutive rounds that happen.

For example you bet a dollar in round # 1. When you win, that dollar becomes two. So on the second round, you bet that US$2 that you won and add a dollar from your bankroll. If you win again, you will get three dollars. This is the value you bet, and if you win then you get 6 dollars. Sounds great? Those 6 dollars is what you will bet on the next round and you add another dollar from your bankroll. If you are on a real winning streak then that 7 dollars can become 14 dollars. What you do is get that 14 dollars then add a dollar (equal to 15), and if you bet and win then that becomes 30 dollars. The thing goes on. Limit your bets to six rounds as not everyone is lucky. If you do this, you have your bankroll intact and your money moving just from the winnings. Winning six streaks is more common than you would think, and as long as you only bet a dollar from your bankroll and gamble away your winnings then you really do not risk losing that much money.

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